Is there something you'd like to accomplish? Are you unhappy with areas of your life? Do you often feel guilt or regret after making choices?
WHO is living your life? What type of person do you believe you are? What do you want your kids, your friends, your spouse, to see in you?
Be. That. Person.
The hardest part? Believing. We want to be a certain way, look a certain way, do things and accomplish things, but we don't BELIEVE we can. How ridiculous is that?? We have hopes, wishes, wants and we do NOTHING to help ourselves! If we don't believe we can, we don't have the mindset, discipline, character to move forward. We are stuck.
Start NOW. Start making the choices "that person" would make. Even if you don't believe that you can, do it anyway. Mimic the type of person you'd like to be, fake it, think about the things that person would do, and do them. Don't worry about feeling less than, or an imposter, just do those things. Belief will follow.
Do you want to feel better, and look better, do you have the image of that person in your mind? What types of choices would that person make? What would "healthy you" do? WWHYD? This is such a powerful tool, USE IT.
Next time you're not sure, you're feeling the guilt, the unhappiness, stop yourself and think WWHYD? Keep making the small choices that "healthy you" would make, and soon you'll start to transform, you won't notice it at first. But keep faking it, mimicking, asking yourself this question, keep the image in your mind and you WILL get there.