22 Thoughts from 2022
I know you loved my 21 Thoughts from 2021 so I tried to do it again… I hope you find some small tidbits to enjoy!
22 Thoughts from 2022
Take care of your mind and your body so they take care of you some day.
Nurture the fire, whether it’s connection with an old friend, closeness with your spouse, or the love for your kids.
Pain allows you to look inward, it can teach you what you’re capable of, if you let it.
Say how you feel, mean what you say. No one can read your mind, and you’re not reading others as well as you think you are. Just ask.
You must be vulnerable to experience real friendship, which is why many of us don’t have real friends.
How your caregivers responded when you were young, shaped your view of the world. You have the ability to look out a different window.
Teenagers have two needs, being accepted and being heard.
Who cares what people say, what others think, in the end it only matters how hard you loved, and what you let go that didn’t serve you.
Deep breathing is a tool to master your mind and the moment.
Dissect the why and when and who, dig in and find the scars, the reasons. Without reasons there is no you.
Fear strips away reality and traps the self within the mind. I don’t have smart advice on how to face your fears, except to dip your toes and wade in slowly.
Sometimes loving others needs 2nd, 3rd and 4th chances.
The days are short when they are full of tasks that are meaningless. Give me long days full of nothing.
The body is made of a trillion cells, all together burning brighter than a star. Burning, buzzing, building. Give it the cleanest fuel so it can burn the brightest fire.
Teenagers seem to grow inches overnight, and different personalities in an instant.
Your brain assumes and expects. Surprise yourself with an empty mind and open heart each time you feel those clouds rolling in, obstructing your view.
Take time to breath slowly, and eat slowly and dream big.
Time alone is as important as time spent with loved ones and friends. You are a loved one and should be your best friend. Go find yourself.
Tell others what you expect, or expect to be disappointed. Throw assumptions out the window.
If living daily life and having fun are two separate areas in your mind, you need to go biking more.
Make a list of your priorities, make a list of your values, make a list of the qualities that encompass the person you want to be. Circle the top 3 in each, and live by these every single day.
Your dog can teach you more about love than Netflix. Stop spending so much time learning life from tv, and go walk your dog.
Thank you for taking your time to read my (sometimes) weekly blurbs, you are appreciated and loved!
Happy New Year! Who will we become in 2023??