Let me help you TRAIN smarter, learn to EAT for your body, SEE and FEEL results that last!
Are you an active woman over 40?
Let me help you find the muscular, lean body you’ve been chasing with smarter cardio, lifting weights & eating to match your goals!
I’ve been using the STRONG system for 10 years to guarantee RESULTS for LIFE!
STRESS. We stimulate and stress the body to cause adaptation, while also managing lifestyle stressors such as nutrition, job stress, and poor sleep, as an already stressed body will not yield results!
TRAIN. I design training based on your current fitness, genetics, history, and injuries that will get you to your goals. I want you strong, maintaining muscle mass, improving cardiovascular fitness, stability and reactivity.
RECOVER. It is what lies between the cracks, on the days off, the hours after a hard workout, the intervals between the effort. We are only as good as our recovery, and this encompasses so many things in training and in life!
OPTIMIZE. You should be feeling great on the inside and out, in the gym and in daily life. We are scientists, always looking to move the needle forward, to live longer, healthier lives.
NUTRITION. I believe the how, what and when we eat, is sending signals to our body, and you deserve more daily energy, the fuel to finish an endurance event, and build a healthy body from the inside out.