Who’s Watching out for You?
You look good, you feel okay, you can still perform most activities well. Your bloodwork (Cholesterol, BP, Glucose, Thyroid) is "high" but still within the "normal" range.
No one is blinking an eye.
You are walking around risking the onset of metabolic disease, and most doctors will not warn you until numbers come back in the red. You could be one notch away from "at risk" but won't hear one word about prevention, or lifestyle until you start to show symptoms.
So now your healthcare is reactive, fixing a problem, instead of preventing one, because you've always flown under the radar of "high but normal" until you bump up over the limit.
Sound familiar? Sound scary? Are you looking out and advocating for yourself? Are you expecting your overworked doctor who is allotted 10 minutes with you, to hold your hand and tell you how to prevent heart disease, alzheimers, cancer, diabetes?
Follow me here as we unravel what biomarkers to ask for, what numbers you should really be shooting for, and what you can do to get yourself healthier.
YOU are your best advocate, and YOU are responsible for your health, not your doctor, your spouse, your kids.